Europe is a diverse continent with so much to see and do. You can check out some of my adventures around Europe and also find out how I became a rollercoaster junkie during a visit to Italy.
Here are a few fun facts about Europe:
– In France it’s illegal to call a pig Napoleon.
– You might not be able to catch your favourite show as Netflix is unavailable in many European countries. You can still watch it though by downloading a VPN so don’t panic.
– A village in Wales has the longest one place name in Europe. I won’t try and spell it!
Check out some more interesting and crazy Europe facts in this cool infographic.
This infographic was created by one of my readers Jess Signut. This is my first collaboration with someone, but hopefully not the last. I was really happy when Jess contacted me through my e-mail and I found her work really amazing and thought my readers will find it interesting as well. Hope you liked this post and make sure to check her blog out as well. 😀
Hey, I'm Enikő! I'm currently an au pair and I want to share my experiences with you. I've travelled a lot in the past years. I'm gonna teach you how to settle in to a new country and get free accommodation anywhere in the world. Circle Enikő on Google+!